The KAPtery has landed

The KAPtery closed on December 31, 2024. Products can no longer be ordered from these pages. Some products are available for purchase from Ennapurna in France. For questions, replacement parts, special requests, or leftover inventory, use the Contact page above.

Aerobee ELPH 135


Price includes US shipping.

This package is ready to fly with a lightweight Canon PowerShot ELPH 135 camera. It is an Aerobee Rig and pendulum suspension, both fully assembled. Also included is a Canon factory refurbished PowerShot ELPH 135 16 megapixel camera. The camera includes a 4 GB SD card with CHDK installed so it can begin taking photos every eight seconds with a single extra button push (the interval is easily adjusted). The rig has been customized for the Canon ELPH 135 so the camera is held securely and perfectly balanced under the suspension.

This kit includes everything in the Aerobee Rig Kit and the Pendulum Kit. All drilling, measuring, gluing, and assembly has been done. The included Canon ELPH 135 is one of the smallest and most lightweight of the Canon PowerShots. A Li-ion battery (included, with charger) makes it especially lightweight. CHDK runs when the camera is powered on and is configured for interval shooting and shutter priority at 1/800 second for sharp photos. Instructions are provided for modifying the settings.

The Aerobee Rig is easy to use for static photography with the camera pointed in one direction (vertical or oblique), but also allows 360° panning using an escapement mechanism called the JerkPan. Engage the JerkPan by moving a single pin and the rig rotates 15° or so when the flying line is jerked. See it in action in the video below.

Typical flying weight with battery: 370 grams.